Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Togetherness In Baghdad Essay Example for Free

Togetherness In Baghdad Essay The article seems to say that elections in Iraq do not seem to be working as an envisioned long term plan of the Americans to sway Iraq’s government into a democratic form. What seems to come out of the argument is that the arrival of the Americans can be questioned as either intervention for justice or plain meddling. Intervention for justice and democracy has been America’s greatest alibi to test their new weapons and missile guidance technology, while plain meddling can be related to the monopoly of the gate valves of Iraq’s oil wells. To Americans, it could be a win-win situation, while to people of the 3rd world, it is a lose-lose situation. The author also seems to be beating around the bush from another very strategic issue: oil prices. (China’s oil bill in 2005 was estimated to be US$ 2.0 trillion). The article relates that the Iraquis are not playing the role they are supposed to take since Saddam’s removal. It is like â€Å"God helps those who help themselves†, bad as it may seem as America may be playing the God role. In the meantime, Iraq people seem to be straddling along until someone makes a move that would be global in impact awareness, from there they can decide their moves on whether the Americans were right or wrong in coming there. So, just like for Vietnam, the story goes that American intervention at the start will work, but not in the long run. There is no formula for free- flowing acceptance of America’s intervention. I think the author is biased in favor of American intervention, but is hidden between the lines. (What is real is that the Yuan, China’s currency, did not devaluate, even as their oil bill rose.) Long term plans of the U.S. are â€Å"colored† and towards bringing back U.S. economy to high brisk and China seems to be an emerging threat for substitutes for U.S. products. This is just one aspect, and there have been many other strategies, especially in bringing profits to U.S. agriculture. In short, the U.S. may turn around its own economy at the expense of the economies of other nations, but this is hard to prove. Lastly, there is a time constraint for the Americans to establish democracy in Iraq, and if democracy does not work there and, in order for the time constraint to be extended, issues on human rights, togetherness, supply of aid, etc†¦, may always be the focus and blow-ups of articles in U.S. press. The U.S. press alone is monopolized by U.S. satellites. So, where are the issues leading to? The mightiest and strongest nation in the world (the U.S.) could have made a mistake about Saddam (although at this time he has been tried and convicted to death). Let us all close our eyes and try to imagine that such a mistake can be put aside, look at the other issues, and move forward. That’s life.

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